Madeira Beach Hotel Deals

Sun, Sea, & Savings

Enhance Your Stay with Special Touches! Make your visit unforgettable with our curated add-on amenities, from romantic rose petals and chocolate-dipped strawberries to personalized balloons and cards—ready in your room upon arrival. Available for purchase during check-out, based upon availability & 24 hour notice:

Balloons and a card: $39
Chocolate dipped Strawberries: $42
One Dozen Roses: $100
Rose Petals in room: $25

A couple is eating breakfast in bed,

Bed & Breakfast Package

Mornings are better when a good breakfast is waiting. This package includes breakfast for two guests. More guests can purchase breakfast for 10.00 USD. Offer per night.

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close up of person pouring red wine into glasses

Dinner for Two

Enjoy Madeira Beach with a delicious dinner at our restaurant including an appetizer, entree, and dessert for two people. Offer available per night.

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